Sunday, November 30, 2008
Glossary - International Business
Absolute Advantage
An absolute advantage exists when a nation or economic region is able to produce a good or service more efficiently (using the same amount of resources) than a second nation or region.
Anti-dumping Laws
Laws that are enacted to prevent dumping - offering prices in the overseas market that is lower than that at which a product is sold in its home domestic market.
Arab Maghreb Union (AMU)
A regional alliance seeking economic and political unity in Northern Africa. Members are Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia.
In models of international trade, a situation in which there is no cross-border trade.
An exchange rate between two non-US dollar currencies.
Letters of credit
Documents issued by a bank stating its commitment to pay someone (supplier/exporter/seller) a stated amount of money on behalf of a buyer (importer) so long as the seller meets very specific terms and conditions. Many suppliers (exporters) require letters of credit from their buyers (importers). See also Import letters of Credit and Export letters of Credit.
The Discussion Topics
Group AA three topics:
- How democratic is WTO : Power and Politics in WTO
- Analyse India’s foreign Trade
refer Reading in booklet India on the Move
- What should be done about Citi Bank?
Group BB three topics:
- Reforms needed in WTO
refer Reading in booklet China and WTO
- Implications of a country’s dwindling Forex Reserves
- The Politics in allotment of World Sports Events to various bidding cities
Group CC three topics:
- Analysing end of cotton subsidy proposal at WTO
- Looking at Kenya 2030 Vision, assess long-term potential of doing business in Kenya
- What Steps can World Governments collectively take to counter the current crisis?
Group DD three topics:
- What Cultural Fitment advice would you give to a New Zealand company towards doing business in India?
- How about doing business in Philippines – analyse all dimensions
- Should US government bail-out auto giants?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
the book summary
pls take a book not taken by anyone else in your class.
it should preferably be related to global canvas; it can also be a 15-25 page HBR type write-up.
post your own words summary in ~50-100 words, any juicy sentence/ phrase/ approach. also write you recommend that one to be read many times or once over a fortnight or browsed over a few hours.
Eight Giant Steps To Global Domination by Kenn Viselman is already allotted to Arvind Chaodhary.
to be done before mid-term Nov 9th.
the natural resources dump
the natural resources dump:
take a single item from natural resources/ raw resource domain like mica, copper, wheat, cashewnut et al, something not taken by anyone else in your class.
list largest 3-5 producers, consumers, exporters, importers.
specifically for largest 2 exporters, list major three importing partners.
specifically for largest 2 importers, list major three exporting partners.
try listing numbers as to quantity/ $ worth alongwith ranks.
aditya has the exclusive right to post on Oil.
to be posted before mid-term Nov 9th
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Oct 5
This is a pool, a common dump, of whatever MDI Executive MBA team is going to do.
Here are the allocations.